Credit card expiration

Last updated: 1 year ago
We'll give you a 30-day grace period to keep your premium subscription if your credit card expires. During this 30-day grace period, you'll still have access to your premium features. If you don't update your payment method within 30 days of expiration, your subscription may automatically be canceled.

We'll notify you twice via email to prompt you to update your payment information before your subscription is canceled.

  • We'll send an email with the subject line IMPORTANT: Please update your account information 30 days prior to canceling your subscription. This email contains instructions for updating your payment information.

  • If you still don't update your payment information, we'll send you another email with the same subject and information two days prior to cancellation.
  • We don’t recommend allowing your credit card to expire to cancel your subscription. Follow the steps to cancel your subscriptions and remove your credit card details from your account to avoid unwanted charges.
  • If your subscription is automatically canceled due to invalid payment information, you may not be able to purchase the same subscription plan again. If you were on a discounted rate or promotion, you won't be able to purchase at that same rate again
  • If you don't believe you were notified of cancellation due to invalid payment information, please search your inbox for these emails by subject line.

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