You may discover you have more than one LinkedIn account. If you get a message that says the email address you're attempting to use is already in use, then you may have another LinkedIn account using that email address. However, before you close a duplicate account or make a request to merge the accounts, consider other reasons why you may receive this message:
You use several different email addresses.
You use a recycled email address (an address that was once assigned to another person by your employer or your email service provider).
You use a canonical form of an email address.
Learn what to do when you’re notified that Someone’s already using that email.
If you remember the email address you used, but don't have access to the email address, please follow the identity verification process.
To find your other account(s), search for your name on LinkedIn. From your search results:
The profile with the You icon is the account where you're currently signed in.
A profile containing your information that doesn't have a You icon is a duplicate account.
The primary email address of both the primary account and duplicate account must be confirmed and you need to have access to both. Click the item below that best describes your situation and follow the instructions to merge your accounts:
- If you can sign into both accounts and you wish to merge the two accounts, you will need:
- The log in credentials for each account.
- The account urls for each account. Learn how to Find your LinkedIn public profile URL.
- To merge two accounts, contact us and be sure to have the above information available.
Important: The data associated with the account you want to merge will be purged from our database. You may want to download a copy of your data of the account you want to close before you merge your accounts with us. Self-merge will only transfer the connections and email address of the account you want to close. You can download an archive of the account you want to close. Learn more about accessing your account data and how you can download your duplicate account archive.
The following items won't be merged:
Profile content (written and/or media)
Saved articles
Group memberships
Pending invitations
In addition, you're unable to merge accounts with zero connections, or more than 30k connections. You'll also lose all InMail credits upon the merge. If applicable, you'll need to complete the following before the merge:
Cancel your Premium subscription first.
Cancel any outstanding job postings or listings.
Cancel all Advertising Campaigns.
Cancel upcoming events if you are an organizer.
Close group or transfer group ownership if you are a group owner.
Go to the Sign in page of the account you want to merge and close and click the Forgot Password? link.
Enter the email address registered to the account you want to close and click Send code. This will send the password reset link to that email address.
Once you've recovered access to this account, follow the on-screen instructions in the scenario above that best fits your situation.
In order to help you merge duplicates account, we'll need you to provide us with the email address listed on the account you'd like to close. If you aren't sure which email you've registered, please use any potential email addresses linked to your account including current or previous work, school or personal email addresses. You can also try any variations on those email addresses. (i.e. - .com,,, first initial last name@, etc.).
If you remembered the email address used, but don't have access to the email address, please follow the identity verification process.
To view the number of connections assigned to an account, click on the My Network tab on your LinkedIn homepage and select Connections.
Sign in to the account you want to close with 0 connections
Click theMe icon at top of your LinkedIn homepage.
Select Settings & Privacy from the dropdown.
In Account management of the Account preferences section, click Change next to Close account..
Follow the on-screen prompts to complete closing the duplicate account.
Wait 48 hours after your account is closed, then add the email address from the closed account to your remaining account. This can prevent other duplicate accounts from being created in the future.
- Creating multiple profiles is not allowed as stated in our Professional Community Policies and User Agreement.
- If you close an account, you’ll no longer have access to your LinkedIn data. You may want to download a copy of your data before you close an account with us. Find out what happens to your information when you close your LinkedIn account.