LinkedIn’s recording of Audio Events

Last updated: 1 year ago
Members can join LinkedIn Audio Events, during which members can choose to unmute their microphone to participate as either a host, a speaker or by raising their hand to come on stage. LinkedIn records all Audio Events for safety purposes.
We use the recordings to investigate violations of our Professional Community Policies and User Agreement, as well as to comply with our legal obligations. LinkedIn deletes the recording of an Audio Event unless a member reports the Audio Event or if LinkedIn is otherwise legally required to retain the recording. If a member does report the Audio Event, we will retain the recording for a reasonable period after the investigation concludes.
  • Audio Events are slowly being rolled out and may not be available to you at this time.
  • At this time, we are not enabling hosts or participants to make their own recording of an Audio Event, but we may introduce additional recording features and controls in the future.

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