Manage shared content and profile activity

Last updated: 4 months ago

You can view and delete content up to two years old from your profile Activity page.

View your activity

To view your profile Activity page:

  1. Click the  Me icon or click on your profile picture at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Click View profile.
  3. Navigate to the Activity section.
  4. Click the type of activity you wish to view. For example, click on Posts, Comments, or Videos. If you don’t have any activity in these areas, the activity type will not be displayed. If you haven’t had any activity on LinkedIn for 360 days, your Activity section will be hidden from your profile.

Learn more about your Activity page.

Delete a post

To delete a post:

  1. On the Activity page, click the Posts tab and locate the post you want to delete.
  2. Click on the post you want to delete.
  3. Click the  More icon in the top right corner of the post.
  4. Click  Delete post from the dropdown.
  5. Click Delete to confirm.

Learn more about deleting a post from your LinkedIn homepage.

Delete an article

To delete an article:

  1. Click Write article in the share box near the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Click the Manage dropdown menu on the upper right of the publishing tool and select Published to view a list of your published articles.
  3. From the Articles pop-up window, locate the article you’d like to delete. The Publish tab is automatically selected.
  4. Click the Delete icon next to the article you want to delete and confirm Delete.

Learn more about deleting an article from the publishing platform.

Delete a comment or a contribution to an article

To delete a comment or a contribution to an article:

  1. On the Activity page, click Comments and locate the comment or contribution you want to delete.
  2. Click the comment or contribution you want to delete.
  3. Click the  More icon in the top right corner of the comment or contribution.
  4. Click  Delete from the dropdown.
  5. Click Delete again to confirm.

Unlike content you previously liked

To unlike content:

  1. On the My Profile page, click the All resources link at the bottom of the Resources box and locate the post, article, or comment you want to unlike.
  2. Click Activity, and then click More and click Reactions.
  3. Locate the item you previously liked and click  Like.
  4. The unliked post, article, or comment will no longer be highlighted.
Learn more about deleting content older than two years old and more by accessing your data archive.

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