Manage your notification settings

Last updated: 2 years ago

Notifications are a way to get updates about activity on LinkedIn. These include, but are not limited to, notifications about reactions to your posts, updates from your network or from groups that you are a part of or manage, pages you follow or manage, or events that you attend or organize.

We’ve recently made updates to simplify your notification settings experience by reorganizing them into logical topics. We haven't changed any of your previous settings choices.

Control the notifications you receive from LinkedIn

You can enable or disable the types of notifications you want to receive and how often you wish to receive them.

Update notification settings

How does LinkedIn notify you?

You can choose to receive notifications for updates on your job search, posting and commenting or attending events, and more. There are three ways you can receive notifications:

  • In-app notifications: These notifications are delivered silently to you by prompting a badge on the LinkedIn app icon. They are found in the Notifications tab inside the app or by signing into
  • Push notifications: These notifications pop up on your device immediately. Think of these as important notifications you want to receive as they happen. Push notifications can only be turned on when you allow In-app notifications.
  • Email notifications: These are delivered to the primary email address you’ve given to LinkedIn.

How to manage your notification settings?

  1. Navigate to the Settings screen by clicking here.
  2. Tap on Notifications.
  3. Select any topic that you wish to enable or disable notifications.
  4. Switch the toggle on or off for that topic to turn on or off notifications. 
  5. If the toggle is ON, you can manage the type of notifications you want to receive.
  6. For each type of notification, you can choose to receive notifications in-app, via a push notification, or email. 
  7. For certain email settings, you also select the frequency of your emails.

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