To help hirers showcase salary transparency and help them attract interested applicants based on salary expectations, LinkedIn extracts salary information from job descriptions. Hirer-provided salary information will be extracted from job descriptions and shown prominently in the Job Search and Job Details page. Members will see a label explaining that the salary was retrieved from the job description.
To support salary extraction, please follow the guidelines below:
Include either a salary or a salary range.
Specify the currency. For example: $110,000.
Write out full numbers. For example: $110,000 instead of $110k.
When including a salary range, provide the range either with spaces between the dash and the numbers or without. For example: $110,000 - $125,000 or $110,000-$125,000.
Don’t forget to add the pay period to which the salary or salary range applies. For example: $110,000 per year, or $110,000/year.
Here are examples of formatting in a job description:
The salary for this role is $110,000 per year.
The median salary for the role is $117,500 per year.
The salary range for the role is $110,000 - $125,000 per year.
Salary range: $110,000 - $125,000 per year.
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