Data sharing

Last updated: 6 months ago

Outside EU/EEA/Switzerland, LinkedIn shares your information with Microsoft so that Microsoft can provide you with more personalized ads when you use its services, such as Bing. We also market LinkedIn’s products and services to you on other sites and services (e.g., to promote engagement with LinkedIn’s services), and may share your information with our service providers for these purposes.

Members can opt out using the Data sharing setting (guests can opt out here, by clicking on “Opt-out of Targeted Advertising”). In California, these settings also serve as your opt-out of LinkedIn’s sharing your personal information. In addition to these controls, in the U.S. we will automatically opt you out if we receive a Global Privacy Control signal from you that reflects your choice to opt-out of sharing (for guests, the opt-out is browser-specific). If you would like to opt back in, reconfigure or disable the tool you use to transmit Global Privacy Control signals to LinkedIn, then use the Data sharing setting (if you are a member) or clear your browser cookies (if you are a guest).

Members could already opt-out using the Ads outside of LinkedIn setting, which remains available. If you are opted out from Ads outside of LinkedIn, your Data Sharing setting is automatically turned off. Learn more.

Note: You can manage your settings from any device you use to access LinkedIn. LinkedIn complies with privacy laws and platform guidelines that apply to our apps. For example, we do not link your iOS app activity data with third-party data, in alignment with Apple’s App Tracking Transparency guidelines.

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