Educational institution verification with LinkedIn Learning - Troubleshooting

Last updated: 3 months ago

Here are some tips that may be helpful if you run into issues verifying your educational verification on your profile. Check the following:

  • Educational institution change: 
    • If you switch to a new educational institution that has also granted you a LinkedIn Learning license, you may be able to add a new verification to your profile. The verification from your previous educational institution will still be visible on your profile, but you can still access all of your current and past verifications by visiting
    • If you switch to a new educational institution that has NOT granted you a LinkedIn Learning license, your previous educational verification will still be visible on your profile. You can access past verifications by visiting

Reasons why you may not be eligible to verify your Educational Institution with a LinkedIn Learning license:

  • Your educational institution is not one of the select educational institutions providing LinkedIn Learning licenses to members associated with them.
  • The educational institution must be listed in your profile under the experience or education section with a specified start date. For current students or those yet to graduate, the end date can be left empty or set to a future date. Please note that verifications cannot be applied retroactively (i.e., after you have graduated from or are no longer employed by the institution).
  • You have not connected your LinkedIn Learning license to your LinkedIn profile.

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