Find work from home jobs on LinkedIn

Last updated: 1 year ago

Find Jobs on LinkedIn

You can quickly search and apply for jobs on LinkedIn that match your skill set and career goals.

Quickly find jobs on LinkedIn
You can search for remote based or “Work from Home” jobs on LinkedIn that suit your skills and qualifications. With so many jobs posted on LinkedIn every day, it’s important that you’re able to find the right job postings that fit your expectations and requirements.
To search for a remote job:
  1. Click the Jobs icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Click the Search field and enter keywords or a company name.

  3. Click the Location field and select Remote from the dropdown.

    • You’ll be directed to the search results page where you’ll see a list of job postings that suit your job role and location preference.
  4. Use the filters options at the top of the search results page to filter the results.

    • Once you’ve applied all the filters, you can switch on the Set alert toggle and set job alerts.
  5. Click the job posting to view the job description and apply for the job if the job suits your requirement.

If you’re new to LinkedIn, we suggest you learn more about how you can use LinkedIn and its features to easily get started with your job search. Also, make sure that you’ve created a good LinkedIn profile that stands out and showcases your skills and expertise.

While searching for home-based jobs on LinkedIn, it’s important to be aware of how to recognize and report job scams.

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Learn more

  1. Job alerts on LinkedIn

  2. What is LinkedIn and how can I use It?

  3. How do I create a good LinkedIn profile?

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