Find part-time and temporary jobs on LinkedIn

Last updated: 1 year ago
You can search for part-time or temporary jobs on LinkedIn that suit your skills and qualifications. With so many jobs posted on LinkedIn every day, it’s important that you’re able to find the right job postings that fit your expectations and requirements.
To search for part-time, contract, or temporary jobs:
  1. Click the Jobs icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Enter keywords or a company name in the search field.
  3. Click the Search location field to specify a location.
    • You’ll be directed to the search results page where you’ll see a list of job postings that suit your job role and location preference.
  4. Click All filters.
  5. Under Job Type, check the boxes for either Part-time, Contract, or Temporary. You can also specify other filters at this point.

  6. Click Apply.
    • Once you’ve applied all the filters, you can switch on the Set alert toggle and set job alerts.
  7. Click the job posting to view the job description and apply for the job if the job suits your requirement.

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