Anyone searching for jobs on LinkedIn can see your open job post. Here's more information about job visibility:
If you link your profile with the job post, anyone who sees your profile will see the open jobs you've posted.
For pay-per-click job posts, your job will receive more visibility and traffic with a higher budget.
When you post or promote a new job, your 1st-degree connections will be notified so they can share your job with their own networks.
You can use the Share This Job feature to share your post with your LinkedIn Network, Facebook, or Twitter.
Open jobs purchased on LinkedIn will appear on your LinkedIn Page, if you choose your company name from the type-ahead during the job post process. If you don't have a LinkedIn Page, you can add one.
Once your job expires or is closed, only you and existing applicants can see it. A closed job post will be removed from search results and applicants won’t be able to apply to it.