Who’s viewed your profile feature Premium insights

Last updated: 4 weeks ago

Directly access your Who's Viewed Your Profile feature

Utilize LinkedIn's Who's Viewed Your Profile feature to view insights into the people viewing your profile

Access Who's Viewed Your Profile

The Who's viewed your profile feature leverages your profile visitor data to display trends and additional insights about the people viewing your profile, such as where your viewers work, their job titles, and industries they work in.

Note: Viewer insights are only available to LinkedIn’s Premium subscribers, and they are subject to the viewer’s privacy settings.

To access Who's viewed your profile:

  1. Click the Home icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.

  2. Click Profile viewers below your profile picture/name on the left pane.

    • You’ll be redirected to the Who's viewed your profile page.

    Here's a tip

    You can also access the Who's viewed your profile from the Analytics sections on your profile page by clicking on the [Number] profile views.

From the Who’s viewed your profile page, you can:  

  • Filter viewer data by time range and/or demographics: Select the Filters above the graph to filter your data by Date range (set at 90 days by default). You can also filter by Interesting viewers, Company, or Industry. Select All filters to filter using additional insights and demographic data.

    Here's a tip

    Premium Business and Premium Career subscribers can see up to 365 days of profile viewer data.

  • Turning Interesting viewers on will show you notable profile viewers. For example, senior leaders in your industry, recruiters, or job posters at companies where you recently applied for or saved a job, and people who work at companies you follow. You can click or tap on filters within Interesting viewers to turn it on or off. 

  • View weekly viewer trend graph: You can place your cursor or tap on data points across the graph to see viewer insights for a particular week.

  • View Highlights: View top locations, industries, and companies of people who viewed your profile. The consolidated details of these people are displayed in the Details section below. You can select the Dropdown under the Details section to filter by Companies, Industries, or Locations.  

Below the graph, you’ll see your unique profile viewers and viewer insights, where available. Viewer insights give you details such as: 

  • How a viewer found you, for example, through LinkedIn search, Feed, or a specific search engine. This may not be displayed if we can't determine this information. 

  • Which sections of your profile matched keywords that a viewer used to search. Note: The actual keywords won't be displayed. 

  • The number of viewers from the past 90 days, if you’ve had at least one viewer in the past 90 days, along with a percentage of increase/decrease of viewers since last week. 


  • If you see just a description of a profile without a name and a picture, that profile visitor viewed your profile in semi-private mode. 

  • You might see options to contact your viewers (LinkedIn message or InMail message). 

  • The visitor count will always be the first item on the upper left of the graph, but the order of the three viewer insight categories will change. 

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