Job post billing

Last updated: 1 year ago

You can post your job for free or use an accepted credit card for posts.

When you are billed for your job posts, we'll charge your prepaid job post budget first. If you have no prepaid budget available, we'll automatically charge your payment method on file.

Important to know

Once your promotional credit or free trial is used, billing automatically begins. To avoid your organization accruing charges, close your job post before your free credits or free trial expire. For promotional credit, the amount of credit may vary depending on the exchange rate between USD and the local currency. 

The credit card you enter on the checkout page will become your default credit card for all future charges. For example, if you post three jobs with three different credit cards, the third and final credit card will be charged for all future jobs billing.

You'll get an email receipt confirming your payment to LinkedIn. You can also print your billing history from your Settings page.

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