LinkedIn Newsletters best practices

Last updated: 4 months ago
Here are some best practices to help you create an engaging newsletter and reach a wider audience.
  • Choose a name for your newsletter that describes a clear theme that your audience can understand.
  • Upload a logo for your newsletter to increase engagement (300x300 pixels recommended).
  • Upload a cover photo for each individual article in your newsletter (1920 (w) x1080 (h) pixels recommended). Try to avoid Clipart or other generic stock images. Images with faces and people tend to resonate more with audiences.

  • Choose a clear headline for each newsletter edition that can help your audience understand what your article will be about.

  • Customize your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) titles and descriptions to control how your newsletters show up on search engines and make it easier for others to find your content.

  • You could get more engagement by adding a few lines of commentary or asking a question in a post when you share your newsletter. In your post description, you could also ask members to subscribe.
  • Share your newsletter editions or your newsletter page to your network on other social platforms or via email to increase your reach.

  • Maintain the publishing cadence that you chose for your newsletter so that your subscribers can engage regularly with your content.
  • Change the Connect button on your profile to Follow to enable people who view your profile to follow your activity and read what you’re sharing on LinkedIn.

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