LinkedIn job posting discount credits

Last updated: 2 days ago

Who can use this feature?

LinkedIn job posting credits
are not available to subscribers of Recruiter Lite or other products.

LinkedIn Jobs use a pay-per-click model where you can set a daily budget for each of your job posts. You’ll get a discount of up to 35% if you purchase a job post budget in advance.

Important to know

Once your promotional credit or free trial is used, billing automatically begins. To avoid your organization accruing charges, close your job post before your free job posting credits or free trial expire. For LinkedIn job posting credits, the amount of credit may vary depending on the exchange rate between USD and the local currency. 

Since your budget is used after LinkedIn job posting credits, you still need to choose a payment method

Your job posting credits will be applied to future charges on any jobs active at the time of purchase. If you don’t have any job posting credits available, your provided payment method will be charged. Any charges accrued for dates prior to the purchase of the job posting credits will be debited from your payment method on file.

Your job post budget will be applied when a job is posted and the budget amount for that role is set. Your job posting credits automatically apply across any open job posts, even if you have set different budget rates.

When you are billed for your job posts, we'll charge your job posting credits balance first. If you have no balance available, we'll automatically charge your payment method on file.

You'll also receive an email reminder before your credit runs out. You can edit your daily budget or stop promoting your job at any time.

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