The navigation bar is a simplified menu of tabs at the top of your LinkedIn homepage that helps you quickly and easily locate features that you’re looking for. Below is a list of items and how you can find them:
Here's a tip
Some of these features are available only to LinkedIn Premium subscribers.
Access your Connections, Invitations, Contacts, Groups, Events, Pages, and Newsletters. You can also view People you may know.
A number on the icon indicates that you have pending invitations or that a connection request has been accepted.
Discover online events that you can attend.
Search for jobs, view suggested jobs, Post a Job or Manage Job posts. You can also access Salary, Interview Prep, and Resume Builder.
Access your messages.
A number on the icon indicates that you have unread messages.
Learn more about searching for sent and received messages.
View updates about you, such as when someone reacts to or comments on an article you share.
View updates about your connections, such as job changes, work anniversaries, birthdays, and more.
A number on the icon indicates new notifications since your last visit.
View or edit your profile.
Manage your account settings.
Access the Help Center, and more.
Access your LinkedIn Page under the Manage section of the Me dropdown menu.
Learning - Find courses or see what courses are trending in your industry.
Post a job - Get your job in front of quality candidates.
Groups - Find highlights from your groups or join a group to connect to a new industry or passion.
Create a LinkedIn Page.
Additional options available in the Work menu
Work icon near the top right corner of your LinkedIn homepage opens a menu of options to select from, which may change based on your account type and settings. Here is a list of common options found in this menu.-
ProFinder - Find top local freelance talent.
Referrals - Refer talent to your company.
You also can see other LinkedIn Premium products in this menu:
Sales Navigator
Business Services
Here's a tip
If you have two or more Premium LinkedIn products such as Recruiter or Sales Navigator, you may see one of these icons displayed to the right of the Work icon. You can also check out the Business Services menu at the bottom of the right rail for more options.