Post and share updates

Last updated: 5 months ago

You can create a post and share updates using the share box at the top of the LinkedIn homepage. The character limit for a post is 3000 characters.

If you’re a super or content admin of one or more LinkedIn Pages, you can share an update directly from your LinkedIn homepage.


  • Use Start a post from the main share box on the LinkedIn desktop experience to view additional sharing options.
  • Post suggestions are displayed below the pop-up window that appears when you click Start a post. Click on a suggestion, select an option, and follow the prompts to create a post.
To share a post from your homepage:
  1. Click Start a post at the top of your LinkedIn homepage to share a post.

  2. Type the content of your post in the What do you want to talk about? field.
  3. Select who you want to share the post with.
  4. Click Post.
If your post exceeds 3000 characters, you can instead write an article using LinkedIn’s Publishing Platform.

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