When someone writes you a recommendation, you'll be notified via a message from the sender on LinkedIn. You can accept, dismiss, or ask for a revision of the recommendation.
Note: Recommendations appear in a chronological order and currently can’t be reordered.
To accept the recommendation from your email:
Log in to the email account you’ve associated with LinkedIn.
Locate the recommendation email and open it.
Click the link provided in the message to Review Recommendation.
From the Pending recommendations pop-up window, click Add to profile to accept and display the recommendation on your profile. You can click Ignore if you don’t want to accept the recommendation.
To accept the recommendation from the message in your LinkedIn account:
Click the
Messaging icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. -
Select the review recommendation message from the left rail of the Messaging page.
- Alternatively, you can select the review recommendation message from the LinkedIn Messaging Conversation Windows and click on the link.
Click the link provided in the message to Review Recommendation.
From the Pending recommendations pop-up window, click Add to profile to accept and display the recommendation on your profile. You can click on Dismiss or Ask for revision of the recommendation.
To accept, dismiss, or ask for revision of recommendations:
Tap your profile picture, then tap View Profile.
Scroll down to the Recommendations section, them tap See all.
Under the Received tab, tap [number] pending recommendation.
Tap Add to profile to accept and display the recommendation on your profile. You can also tap:
- Dismiss
- Ask for revision
Once you've accepted the recommendation, it will appear in the Recommendations section of your profile and an update will go out to your network.
Note: Once you’ve dismissed a recommendation you received, it can't retrieved again. The member who recommended you must delete the recommendation before you can request for a new recommendation.
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