Members associated with a LinkedIn Page

Last updated: 8 months ago

When LinkedIn members add or edit a position on their profile, they can specify an organization. If members select a company, university, or high school from the list of organizations, they automatically show up on that organization's LinkedIn Page as Associated members.

If a colleague or employee isn't shown in the list of associated members on your Page, they can add the company to the Experience section of their profile. Only members who are currently associated will appear on your Page. It can take up to 30 days for associated member counts to update after new members are added or former members are removed.

If someone accidentally selects the wrong company, university, or high school name from the list, their profile will be associated with the wrong Page. Keep in mind that even if someone incorrectly appears on a Page, they can't edit the Page admins unless they're a super admin. Currently, admins can’t manually add an associated member to a Page. 

If you accidentally associated your profile with the wrong company, university, or high school, you can edit your Experience section to remove your association. It can take up to 30 days for changes to take effect. If you can’t add the correct Page when updating your experience, follow the Page, clear your cache and cookies, or sign out of LinkedIn and then sign in again.

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