Use the Top Applicant feature to apply for jobs

Last updated: 8 months ago

Who can use this feature?

This feature is available only to a select group of LinkedIn Premium subscribers. This feature may be gradually available to more LinkedIn users in the future.

LinkedIn members with Premium subscriptions can use the Top Applicant feature to assist their job search. The feature helps job searchers to identify and apply for jobs where they’re considered a top candidate based on the information listed on their profile.
Navigate to the Jobs where you’re a top applicant section from a desktop or mobile device on the Jobs page to view jobs where you may be a top applicant.
Note: The feature only displays if you’re in the top 50% of applicants for at least one role. This will be determined by the current members who’ve applied for the role and requires at least 10 applicants.
If you can’t see the Top Applicant feature on the Jobs page, it’s possible that:

Note: While looking at Top Applicant Jobs within the Top Applicant Jobs module, you may see a different number than when using the Top Applicant Jobs filter within your broader job search.

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