Get instant AI feedback to improve your interview answers

Last updated: 5 months ago

Who can use this feature?

For now, the feature is only available to members using LinkedIn in the English language. You can access the feature on the LinkedIn desktop experience.

Directly access LinkedIn's Interview Preparation feature

Get instant AI feedback on your interview answers with LinkedIn's Interview Preparation feature.

Access interview preparation

When you’re using LinkedIn’s Interview Preparation feature to record a practice answer (video) for a common interview question, you can get instant, AI-powered feedback on how you can improve your delivery.

The AI-powered feedback will tell you:
  • Your pace, how many words you used per minute.

  • If you used any filler words, for example: “umm”.
  • If you used any sensitive phrases.
  • Answer tips to improve your response.
To get instant, AI-powered feedback after recording a video answer:
  1. Navigate to the Interview Preparation landing page.
  2. Select a question you’d like to practice from the list of Common Questions on the left pane.

  3. Under the question, click the Practice button.
  4. Select Record a Video from the options that appear.
  5. From the pop-up that appears, switch the toggle On to Get instant, AI-powered feedback on the delivery of your answer after recording a video.
    • You must grant LinkedIn access to your video and microphone capabilities in order to record your video answer.
  6. Click the red Record button to record your video answer.
    • You’ll be shown a three second countdown before the recording begins.
    • Your recording must be at least eight seconds in length.
  7. Click the red Stop button to stop the recording.
    • You can click the Retake video button if you’d like to try responding to the question again.
  8. Once you’ve recorded your video answer, you’ll see a Preview of your feedback below the recorded video. This includes:
    • Words / minute
    • Filler words
    • Sensitive phrases
    • Answer tip
  9. Click the Save video answer button to view more comprehensive, AI-powered feedback.
    • Your recorded video will be uploaded and processed.
  10. Once the recorded video has been uploaded and processed, you can:
    • View comprehensive, AI-powered Feedback on your answer.
    • Click the Request feedback button to choose a 1st-degree connection who you’d like to review your video answer.

Important to know

You can only view the feedback data from the browser and device that you recorded your video answer from. You won’t be able to view feedback data for a video answer after you log out of LinkedIn, if you clear your browser’s local storage, or if you log in using another browser or device.