Prohibited events

Last updated: 4 months ago
At LinkedIn, our aim is to put our members first when we make important decisions. Millions of professional conversations and insights are being exchanged every day on the LinkedIn platform.
The LinkedIn Events feature enables conversations to take place both online and in offline settings. To prevent inappropriate Events from being created and to ensure that discussions only enable our members to be productive and successful, we’ve outlined some requirements that are specific to LinkedIn Events. These requirements are intended to provide guidance on conduct, as well as restrictions to govern your usage and participation on our platform. All LinkedIn Events must also adhere to our User Agreement and Professional Community Policies.
Some Events that are restricted or prohibited by LinkedIn includes, but are not limited to, the following themes:
  • Child exploitation
  • Imminent danger (self or group harm gatherings)
  • Terrorist activities and extreme violence: recruiting Event, know-how, terrorist propaganda, extreme violence, etc.
  • Events organized by hate groups or individuals of those groups, and/or for the purpose of inciting hatred or violence
  • Discriminatory Events
  • Events that are not in compliance with legal age requirements, such as 21+ for Events that involve alcohol
  • Distribution or usage of non-medical drugs
  • Gambling
  • Political campaigns or fundraising Events for candidates campaigning for office
  • Religious gatherings with the purpose of persuading individuals to join a faith
  • Binge drinking
  • Adult themed Events, including but not limited to prostitution, escort service, strip clubs, parties with strippers, etc.
  • Events that do not take place at the location and time as how it’s communicated or Event activities that do not align with what’s communicated
  • Events that promote harm such as anti-vax and other conspiracies
Learn more about the LinkedIn Events terms and conditions.
For further assistance with your Event, please contact us.

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