Invitation limit reached

Last updated: 2 years ago

We have invitation limits in place to protect our overall member experience and to ensure that our members only receive relevant requests. Your LinkedIn account may be temporarily restricted from sending invitations if you’ve reached the invitation limit.

  • Withdrawing invitations will not remove the restriction.

  • All LinkedIn members (Basic and Premium) are subject to invitation limits and restrictions.

  • You’ll be able to send invitations again within one week.
  • You can’t buy or acquire more invitations while you’ve been restricted. LinkedIn can't remove the wait period. You'll need to wait one week to start sending invitations again.

  • For your privacy, LinkedIn Support can’t disclose any additional information regarding the type or reason for the invitation restriction on your account.

To ensure that LinkedIn remains a safe community, we recommend that you only send invitations to people you know and trust, in accordance with LinkedIn’s User Agreement and Professional Community Policies. By sending fewer and more thoughtful invitations to connect with others, you will improve the relevance of content shown in your feed, your search results, and your experience in using other LinkedIn features.

Learn more

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