Types of restrictions for sending invitations

Last updated: 4 months ago
We have invitation limits in place to protect our overall member experience and to ensure that our members only receive relevant requests

Your LinkedIn account may be temporarily restricted from sending invitations to people for the following reasons:

  • You've sent many invitations within a short amount of time.
  • Many of your invitations have been ignored, left pending, or marked as spam by the recipients.

Note: To ensure an optimal site experience, the network size limit for LinkedIn members is a maximum of 30,000 1st-degree connections. We recommend that you only keep quality connections in your network.

To ensure that LinkedIn remains a safe community, we recommend that you only send invitations to people you know and trust, in accordance with LinkedIn’s User Agreement and Professional Community Policies.
  • After you withdraw an invitation, you won't be able to resend an invite to the same recipient for up to three weeks.

  • All LinkedIn members (Basic and Premium) are subject to invitation limits and restrictions.

  • You can’t buy or acquire more invitations while you’ve been restricted, or otherwise.
  • Most restrictions will automatically be removed within one week. LinkedIn won’t be able to remove invitation restrictions upon request.

  • For your privacy, LinkedIn Support cannot disclose any additional information regarding the type or reason for the invitation restriction on your account.
  • Restrictions and limits on standard invitations are separate from the limits placed on personalized invitations to connect.

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