You can send a message request to communicate with coworkers, event attendees, members who are #OpenToWork or Group members that you aren’t already connected with. You’ll be notified if you receive a message request, and you can decide to either accept or privately decline.
For now, only coworkers can send message requests to start a group chat.
If a member declines a message request, the sender won’t be notified.
As a security precaution, attachments are disabled in message requests, but will be unlocked when the message is accepted.
Everyone in a group chat has the same view of the conversation history, no matter when they join the conversation.
To send a message request:
Navigate to the Groups homepage.
Select the right group from the list.
Click See all on the right of the page.
Click Message next to the group member’s name.
Type a message and click Send.
To send a message request:
Click theMessaging icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
Click theCompose icon on the left rail.
Type the name of your coworker in the Type a name field and select the right recipient from the dropdown.
Draft your message in the Write a message box.
Click Send to send the message.
To send a message request to start a group chat with coworkers:
Click theMessaging icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
Click theCompose icon on the left rail.
Type the name of the member in the Type a name field and select the right recipient from the dropdown.
- Name your chat.
Draft your message in the Write a message box.
Click Send to send the message.
Click View more in the Open to work box below the member’s post.
Click Message [Member’s name] in the pop-up.
A message template is automatically populated.
- The message template can be edited.
Click Send.
Note: The Open to Work box is available only if the post is related to the member being #OpenToWork, and not a general post by a member who has added the #OpenToWork photo frame.
If you’re attending a LinkedIn Event, you can privately message other attendees.
To respond to a message request:
Navigate to messaging and click [Number]message request(s).
Click a message request.
Click Accept to continue the conversation.
- The conversation will move to the main inbox.
Members can always review the message requests they’ve declined and accept them. To review a declined message request:
Click theMore icon in the messaging window.
Select Declined message requests.
Click the applicable message request and review it. Click Accept to continue the conversation.
To send a message request in a Group:
Navigate to the Groups homepage.
Tap the member list below the group name.
Tap theMessage icon next to the group member’s name.
Type a message in the textbox provided.
Tap ➢ Send.
To send a message request to a coworker:
Tap theMessaging icon in the homepage.
Tap theCompose icon.
Type the coworkers name into the To field at the top of the screen and compose your message.
Tap ➢ Send.
To send a message request to members who are #OpenToWork from your feed:
Tap View more in the Open to work box below the member’s post.
Tap Message [Member’s name] in the pop-up.
A message template is automatically populated.
- The message template can be edited.
Tap ➢ Send.
Note: The Open to Work box is available only if the post is related to the member being #OpenToWork, and not a general post by a member who has added the #OpenToWork photo frame.
To respond to a message request:
Tap theMessaging icon in the homepage.
Tap theMessage Request icon at the top of the Messaging screen.
Tap the message request.
Click Accept to continue the conversation. The conversation will move to the main inbox.
Note: Members can always review the message requests that they’ve declined and accept them.
To review a declined message request:
Tap theMessaging icon in the homepage.
Tap theMore icon in the messaging window.
Select Declined message requests.
Tap the applicable message request and review it. Tap Accept to continue the conversation.
Learn more about managing the type of messages you receive.