Remove a Skill Endorsement You've Given

Last updated: 2 years ago
If you change your mind about a skill endorsement you've given to one of your connections, you have the option to remove it from their profile.
To remove a skill endorsement you've given:
  1. Navigate to the profile of the 1st degree connection you've endorsed.
  2. Scroll down to the Skills & endorsements section and locate the skill you’ve endorsed.
  3. Click the Checkmark icon to the left of the skill endorsement you want to remove.
    • The Checkmark icon will change to an Add icon when you remove the endorsement.
  • Your connection will not be notified if you remove an endorsement.
  • If your connection with another member is broken, any endorsements between the two of you are automatically removed and not reinstated if you re-establish the connection.
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