Contribute as a Group member Best Practices

Last updated: 1 year ago

Make the most of your LinkedIn Group by contributing to group conversations and by posting content that is relevant to your group’s interests and intent.

Here are some best practices to help you become a valued group member:
  • Invite discussion. Ask for members' input on a topic or article that you share.
  • If you find yourself disagreeing in a conversation, remember to be respectful of other opinions. We expect all members to abide by the LinkedIn professional community policies.

  • Avoid self-promotion.

  • If you're sharing a link or article, state its relevance to the group.
  • You can always report inappropriate content/spam when you see it. Reporting inappropriate content/spam helps everybody in the group, and it helps us identify trends so we can prevent similar activity in all groups.

When sharing content from other sites:
  • Remember to keep it professional.
  • Provide context on the relevance of the subject matter to the group.
  • You can always delete a post you started.

  • Add a question to the content you are sharing to invite discussion.
  • Remember that any URL to a commercial site that tries to sell a product or service will be reported and removed.
  • Do not share URLs with inappropriate/spam-like content.
  • When fellow group members or group management feel that certain contributions don't meet their group's intent, they can take actions like reporting or removing comments, or even removing and blocking you from the group.
  • We encourage group members to post content that is relevant and unique to each group. If members post the same content across multiple groups, the post could be automatically flagged as spam and won’t be displayed to other group members.

LinkedIn offers many other ways to promote your business, your profile, and your ideas to the audience you want to target. Groups are not the right forum to do this. Groups should be used to build relationships through the conversation about topics and ideas. You can create LinkedIn Pages to promote your business or ideas.

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