Create a LinkedIn Page newsletter

Last updated: 3 months ago

A newsletter is a set of regularly published editions on LinkedIn, typically about a specific topic. You can create up to five newsletters as yourself or as a LinkedIn Page. You can also create an unlimited number of editions for each newsletter.

To create a newsletter as a Page, you must be a super or content admin of that Page and meet the newsletter access criteria.

Important to know

If you create a newsletter for your Showcase Page, the newsletter isn’t linked to the parent Page.

Anyone can discover, read, and share your LinkedIn newsletter. LinkedIn members can also subscribe to it.

To create a newsletter for your Page:

  1. Go to your Page super or content admin view.

  2. Click Newsletters in the left menu.

  3. Click Write article button.

  4. Click the Manage button in the upper-right corner, then select Newsletters. Click Create a newsletter.

  5. Enter a newsletter title, select how often you’d like to publish your newsletter, and add a description.

  6. Upload an image.

  7. Click Done.


After you create a newsletter, you can publish your first edition. You can publish additional editions and edit or delete editions at any time. 

Publishing your first edition automatically creates a newsletter page with an overview of your newsletter, your Page information, and a list of the editions in the newsletter. You can use your newsletter page to provide a preview of your newsletter and share it on or off LinkedIn to increase your reach. You don’t need to be logged in to view the page, but members must log in to subscribe or share it on LinkedIn.

Your Page followers will be invited by notification to subscribe to your newsletter once the first edition of your newsletter is published. Subscribing means they’ll receive a notification and email when you write a new newsletter edition.

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