Save a post as a draft

Last updated: 10 months ago

You can save your post as a draft by clicking the Cancel button at the end of the post and share content process on LinkedIn.

To save your post as a draft:

  1. Click Start a post at the top of your LinkedIn homepage to share a post. The post pop-up window appears.

  2. Type the content of your post in the What do you want to talk about? field.

  3. Click the  Cancel button in the upper-right corner. The Save this post as a draft? pop-up window appears.

  4. Click Save as draft if you want to save a draft of your post and return later to edit and share it. A message appears stating that the draft is successfully saved.


  • The draft of your post will auto-populate for editing and sharing when you open the Create a post pop-up window next time.
  • To delete the post, click Discard.
  • You’ll not be able to edit any photos or videos. You’ll have to delete and re-upload them if you want to make any changes.
  • You’ll have to re-upload your attachment if you want to change the visibility of your post.

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