Country specific employment types

Last updated: 1 year ago
You can now select employment types that are specific to the country in which you’ve worked and more accurately represent your professional history. Some country specific employment types are contracts, full-time, part-time, temporary staff etc.
Country specific employment types are available for the following countries:
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • France
  • Germany
  • India
  • Japan
  • Netherlands
  • Spain
  • UK
All other countries will continue to use the list of definitions for employment types under the Employment types that are currently available section below. As we continue to research employment types that are specific to other countries, we will add them to the platform.
  • For Canada and France, the employment types 'contract’, ‘part-time’, and ‘full-time’ have been replaced with more specific definitions.
  • The list under the Country specific employment types section represents either changes in the definition of a previous employment type, or the addition of a new definition for a listed country.
Learn more about accessing country specific employment types.

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