After you apply for a job on LinkedIn, you can view it again at any time.
Click the
Jobs icon at the top of your homepage. -
Click My jobs in the left-hand rail.
Click the Applied button under My Jobs.
Click the
More icon and select the action you want to take: -
Send in a message to share the job with someone in your network.
Copy link to copy a shareable URL to the job.
Click the job to view the job details page and review the resume you used for the job application.
Tap the
Jobs icon. -
Tap My jobs under the search bar.
Tap Applied.
Tap the
More icon and select the action you want to take: -
Send in a message to share the job with someone in your network. -
Share via… to share the job.
Tap the job to view the job details page.
Tap the
Jobs icon. -
Tap My jobs under the search bar.
Tap Applied.
Tap the
More icon and select the action you want to take: -
Send in a message to share the job with someone in your network. -
Share via… to share the job.
Tap the job to view the job details page.
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