Report inaccurate information on another member's profile

Last updated: 5 months ago

If you find inaccurate information on another member’s profile, you can report it by completing the form to report inaccurate information on a member's profile. At this time, the information you can report is limited to employment and education experience only.

To report profiles with inaccurate information, you can file a formal complaint. You’ll be asked to provide the following information:
  • Link to the inaccurate account or content
  • The name of the school, university, or company that is inaccurate on the profile being reported
  • Explanation of how you know this account or other information is inaccurate or false
  • Your digital signature

After you've completed the form, it will automatically be sent to our Trust and Safety team for review. You can save a copy for your reference.

We will notify the alleged infringer that the content will be removed within fourteen (14) days, unless we receive a valid Counter-Notice. If a valid Counter-Notice form is submitted, we'll let you know. 

If you believe a claim about your content was submitted in error or if you want to contest the removal of the allegedly infringing, inaccurate, or unlawful content, you may submit a Counter Notice. Any assertions made by you in submitting a Counter Notice are under penalty of perjury.

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