Click theMe icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
Select Settings & Privacy from the dropdown.
Click the Data Privacy on the left rail.
Under the How LinkedIn uses your data section, click Get a copy of your data.
Select the data that you’re looking for and Request archive.
You can select specific categories of data or a larger download. If you select a specific type of data, we’ll email you within minutes. If you select the larger download, you’ll receive an email within 24 hours. Use the link provided in the email to download the information you requested. The data will be available for download for 72 hours.
Additionally, LinkedIn provides an API program to enable EU/EEA/Switzerland members to access their LinkedIn data programmatically. You can find more details in the Member Portability APIs help center article.
You should only download your data from a personal computer and not a public computer.
This feature is currently not available on mobile.
You'll only receive the categories of data that are applicable to your account and activities on LinkedIn. For example, if you don't have certifications listed on your profile, you won't receive a Certifications file.
LinkedIn will only provide your own personal data and not that of other members. LinkedIn does not provide People You May Know or Who’s Viewed Your Profile data.
If you close your account, you'll no longer have access to your LinkedIn account data. For more information, you can check out what happens after you close your account.
You may notice in your connection data that some of your connections’ email addresses are missing. That’s because members choose in their privacy settings whether to allow others to download their email address.
Below is a list of data categories, and their description, that you can request and when to expect receipt:
Data Category | Description of Data Category |
Ad Targeting | Contains information we use to figure out what ads to show you. Some of the targeting data may be derived from other information you've given us. For example, we might use your title as a clue to your seniority level. |
Articles | Contains URLs of a member’s published articles. |
Causes You Care About | Contains a list of available causes a member has selected to include on their profile. |
Certifications | Contains licenses or certifications a member has obtained, including the issuing authority name or company, start date, finish date, and license number. |
Company Follows | Contains information related to companies followed. This includes the company name and date followed. A list of the entities (e.g., companies) you follow on LinkedIn. |
Connections | Contains the first and last name, public profile URL, email address, company, position, and connection date for all 1st degree connections. An email address for the connection will be included only when authorized by the connection in their privacy settings. |
Contacts | Contacts imported on LinkedIn, including name, phone numbers, and email addresses. |
Courses | Contains information about courses the member has taken and how they are associated with their experience or education. |
Education | Contains the school's name, start and end date, degree title, activities, and other notes the member chose to include relating to their education. |
Endorsements Given Information | Contains the following information about the endorsed member: first and last name, public profile URL, skill name, date, and whether the given endorsement has been accepted, rejected, or remains pending. |
Endorsements Received Information | Contains the following information about member who is providing the endorsement: first and last name, public profile URL, skill name, date, and endorsement status of the member who has endorsed them, and whether the received endorsement status indicates if the skill has been accepted, rejected, or remains pending. |
Engagements | Contains the event name, date and time, status, and external URL if the event organizer shared one. Under status, a member can choose to approve, decline, or ignore an event. |
Events | The names of all the events (including the ones you’ve attended, been invited to but declined, or have requested to attend), the date and time, your status as an attendee, and any external URL for the event shared by the event organizer. |
Honors | Contains the title of honors and awards the member has received, including details such as the description, who issued it, the date, and attached media files. |
Invitations | Contains the invitations sent and received. This includes the invitee and inviter's first and last name, URL, date sent, and message. |
Job Application Saved Answers | Contains the member’s answer to basic job application questions. This includes first and last name, mobile number, location, address, and more. |
Job Applicant Saved Screening Question Responses | Contains the member’s answers to job application questions provided by the job poster. |
Job Applications | Contains jobs the member has applied for, application date, company name, job title, and LinkedIn's job posting URL. |
Job Seeker Preferences | Contains information related to a member's chosen job preferences. Some categories include location, industries, company size, dream company, job titles, and activity level. |
Languages | Contains languages understood or spoken and the member's level of proficiency. |
Learning | Contains information related to LinkedIn Learning courses, including the course name, description, date last watched, and completion date. |
Messages | Contains information related to messages sent, received, and archived. Messages include the date it was sent or received, subject line, content, and the member's public profile URL. |
Online Job Postings | Contains information related to jobs the member has posted on LinkedIn. This includes the posted date, expiration date, company name, job title, and employment status. |
Opportunities | Contains information related to services a member is looking for on Services Marketplace. Information includes the creation date and the member’s answers to a provider’s potential services. |
Organizations | Organizations the member has listed on the profile. Contains the organization's name, description, and the member's position. |
Patents | Contains information related to patents the member lists on the profile. Patents include the title, number, status (issued or pending), URL, and description. |
Phone Numbers | Contains phone numbers the member has added to their account. |
Positions | Contains job positions the member has included in the Experience section on their profile. This includes the company name, title, job description, location, and employment dates. |
Profile | Contains basic biographical information the member has added to their profile. This includes first and last name, address, date of birth, and zip code. |
Projects | Contains the names of projects listed on a member’s profile, description, contributors, date started and finished, and attached media URLs. |
Providers | Contains information related to services a member provides on Services Marketplace. |
Publications | Contains the publication title, description, publishing company, date, contributors, and publication URL of publications listed on the member profile. |
Receipts | Contains information related to the member's purchases of LinkedIn services (e.g., job postings). Receipts include the payment date, method, amount, and description of the purchase. |
Recommendations Given | Contains the recommendations a member has given to 1st degree connections. This includes the first and last name, associated company, description, and published date. |
Recommendations Received | Contains the recommendations a member has received by 1st degree connections. This includes the first and last name, associated company, description, and published date. |
Registration | Contains the member’s registered date, IP address, and current subscription type. |
Rich Media | Includes URL links to any photos, videos, or documents shared on LinkedIn. |
Saved Jobs | Contains information related to a job a member has saved. This includes the date saved, job title, company name, and the LinkedIn job posting URL. |
Saved Job Alerts | Contains the word or phrase and the date of a saved search within the "Job" search function. |
Skills | Contains the skills a member has added to their profile. |
Verifications | Contains confirmed verification information related to identity, workplace, and educational institutions. This may include a workplace email or valid government-issued ID. LinkedIn partners with CLEAR, a third-party verification partner. |
Data Type | Description of Data Type |
Account Status History | Date Contains the date and time the member's account was created, closed, reopened, or restricted. |
Ads Clicked | Contains the date and LinkedIn’s advertising identifier a member has clicked on. |
AD IDs | Contains any mobile ad identifiers associated with the member’s mobile device. |
Calendar | Contains the calendar source, owner, and last sync date of the member's calendar. |
Comments | Contains comments a member has made to posts, articles, shares, and collaborative articles. This includes the date and URL. |
Current Settings | Contains the current status of the member’s settings. Settings change information can be found in the Settings History file. |
Hashtag Follows | Contains hashtags the member follows. This includes the hashtag created and last modified date. |
Inferences | Inferences LinkedIn has made based on data the member provided, content created, activity, and other factors. |
Logins | Contains IP login details, including the date and time, IP address, user agent string, and login type. |
Member Follows | Contains information related to who a member follows. This includes the followed member's first and last name and following or unfollowing date. |
Reactions | Contains the reaction type a member has made to a post. The reaction type includes like, celebrate, support, love, insightful, or funny, the date, and URL of the post reacted to. |
Reviews | Contains information related to ratings and reviews a member has provided, and received, for services within the Services Marketplace and LinkedIn Learning. |
Saved Items | Contains the saved date and URL of a post, article, or other content. |
Saved People Searches | Contains the word or phrase and date of a search within the "People" search function. |
Search Queries | Contains the word or phrase and date of a search using LinkedIn’s search bar. |
Security Challenges | Contains challenge event information when a member signs in from an unfamiliar device or has enabled two-step verification. This includes the date, IP address, user agent string, country, and challenge type. |
Settings History | Contains the information associated with setting changes. This includes the setting name, description, selection, and date modified. |
Shares | Contains all shared or re-shared posts. This includes the date, URL, shared comments, and visibility status. |
Test Scores | Contains test scores related to workplace and educational institutions a member added to the profile. This includes the test score, test date, and a description. |
Other | If you would like access to data that's not included in the data files described above, you may complete LinkedIn's Data Access Request Form. Completed forms will automatically be sent to us for review, but note that it may take several days to receive a response. |
Volunteering | Contains volunteering experience. This includes an organization's name, role, cause, start and end date, and description. |
Votes | Contains information related to polls members have created and voted on. Information includes the member’s voting date, URL of the poll voted on, and voting selection. |
For information about how we collect and use your personal data and about how long we retain it, please see our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy also details how and with whom we share your personal data when providing our Services. Information about your rights with respect to your personal data and how you can exercise them is also contained in our Privacy Policy. Further, it outlines how LinkedIn transfers your data when providing our Services and the mechanisms we rely on to lawfully transfer your personal data across borders.
In addition to downloading your data, under the California Consumer Privacy Act, you also can request that we disclose how we’ve collected, used, and shared your personal information since January 1, 2022.
To see information about your Microsoft personal account, please visit the Microsoft Privacy Dashboard.